Data Protection Declaration – Applicants for Admission and Students
Date of the last update: 06/13/2019
The mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien, Tel. 01 711 55 (“mdw”) accords great importance to the protection of your personal data. For this reason, and in keeping with applicable data protection regulations, we would like to inform you about the collection, processing, and use of your data as part of the admissions process and as part of your studies. The mdw processes data pertaining to your person exclusively in conformance with applicable data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Austria’s Data Protection Act (DSG) as well as its Telecommiunications Act (TKG).
Purpose of and Legal Basis for Data Processing
As part of your registration as an applicant for admission to a study programme or preparatory programme and your subsequent participation in an entrance examination, as well as in the event that you are accepted to a degree or other programme as a regular student or an auditor, the mdw collects and processes data pertaining to your person for the purpose of admissions and student administration. The categories of data to which this applies are, specifically, the following: first name, last name, gender, application information (see section “Application – Admission to Study Programmes”), photograph, academic degrees, date of birth, social insurance number, residential address, E-mail address, telephone number, previous education (in order to prove eligibility for university admission), matriculation number, admission to one’s main artistic subject, information on study programmes, information on payment of tuition and the ÖH (student union) membership fee, registration for courses, participation in examinations, examination results, recognition of completed examinations, mobility programmes, evaluations, final papers/projects, and degree.
The processing of this data is done in the public interest in accordance with Art 6 Sec 1(e) GDPR in connection with §§ 1–3, 51 ff of the Austrian University Act (UG) (courses of study under public law), due to an impending or existing contract in accordance with Art 6 Sec 1(b) GDPR (courses of study under private law), or—insofar as the mdw is not acting to fulfil its responsibilities under public law—due to the overwhelming legitimate interests of the controller in accordance with Art 6 Sec 1(f) GDPR.
It is necessary for legal and/or contractual reasons that your data be provided in order to process your registration for the entrance examination and, in connection with this, your admission to a programme of study and/or preparatory programme at the mdw as well as to subsequently perform the function of student administration during your studies. Your failure to provide the associated data can cause the mdw to be unable to fulfil its obligations to you.
Recipients of Transmitted Data
Your data shall be processed strictly in accordance with the purpose for which it has been collected by employees and teaching staff of the respective department or administrative unit or by the Rectorate and transmitted in accordance with § 7(a) of Austria’s Education Documentation Act (BdokG) to Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH [the Austrian Federal Computing Centre] as part of universities’ data sharing arrangement as well as to cooperation partners in order to fulfil (pre-)contractual obligations of cooperation programmes. Furthermore, such data is only passed on internally or to third parties if it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest in accordance with Art 6 Sec 1(e) GDPR in connection with §§ 1–3 UG or for the performance of a contract, in particular in connection with the admissions process or if you, as an user of the website and/or as a customer of the University or a member of the University community, have granted your permission for this to be done in advance.
Storage Periods
Data is stored for the duration of one’s studies and/or one’s contractual relationship, as well as thereafter for the duration of any existing legal claims and/or to fulfil legal obligations (incl. for purposes of student administration and documentation), a period that can be expected to last 80 years for study -related data. In accordance with §§ 53 UG in connection with § 3 Sec 3 BDokG, this applies to the following categories of data: the names of examinations or the topics of scholarly papers and artistic projects, ECTS credits awarded, evaluations, names of examiners and/or evaluators, dates of the examinations and/or evaluations in question, as well as students’ names and matriculation numbers. Data containing archive material in accordance with the Austrian Archives Act is stored for an unlimited period.
Your Rights
As a party affected by this data processing, you have the right to demand from the mdw access to (Art 15 GDPR), rectification of (Art 16 GDPR), and erasure of (Art 17 GDPR) such data, as well as to restrict (Art 18 GDPR) and object (Art 21 GDPR) to its processing and to data portability (Art 20 GDPR). Should changes to your personal data occur, we request that you inform us accordingly.
Should your data have been processed in a way that you deem to be impermissible, you have the option of submitting a complaint to the Austrian Data Protection Authority: Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde, Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna, telephone: +43 1 52 152-0,
Data Protection Officer
In order to exercise your rights or to address any data protection-related queries please contact our data protection officer, mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, A-1030 Vienna, Tel.: +43 1711 55 6046, E-Mail: